
Showing posts from December, 2010

life 2 (pursuit of happiness 2)

Opportunities are not always As bright as you think Sometimes it seems that Our life is going to shrink But have patience ! one day Your life will again be rosy pink Thorns were a always a part of it (rose) So you need not to worry You need not to think .   Life is not always full of light Sometimes it seems that Nothing in our life is alright But in this dark period life is defined as The struggle and fight to get some light And keeping the hope that Everything will soon be alright Someone has said that "strength is life and weakness is death " But the real thing is that Happiness is life and grief is death And secret of happiness is always Having your faith in yourself . Life is not all about earning money But it is all about earning happiness and harmony Because after having money ;you will Still be running for happiness But after getting the path of happiness You need not to run for money.                ...

what is life(pursuit of happiness )

life is like a "marathon " never think of becoming a winner or a looser just enjoy the race like an amateur.          life is like our "semester"          a lot of joy and a lot of concepts          hidden in the books          enjoy them through out the year          never go only for the pointers . life is like a "candle" which keeps the darkness beneath itself and illuminates the life of anybody else so ;learn to burn yourself  for helping and setting examples  for others.           life is like a "battle "           but never think of being killed           or to kill anybody else           just fight keeping your breath tight ,           and let the fire inside you always ignite. li...

युवा शक्ति

ऐ ! युवा  शक्ति अब जाग तू ! दिखा कर्तव्यों के प्रति, अनुराग तू ! दुनिया में कुछ भी अगम नहीं कुछ अगम है क्योंकि तू अभी वहाँ तक गया नहीं | जो आज अगम सा लगता है; वो कल सुगम कहलायेगा | बस केवल चलने की देरी है; तू सबको राह दिखायेगा|                     जरूरी नहीं की हर जगह तुझे पदचिन्ह मिलें;                     मगर आज अगर तू बिन पद चिन्ह चला                     कल दुनिया तेरे पदचिन्ह अपनाएगी                     युगों युगों तक वह तेरे गुणगान को गाएगी                     सो ऐ युवा शक्ति अब जग तू  ! राष्ट्रवाद  वाद ही केवल अपना धर्म होगा  नहीं इससे बढ़कर कोई कर्म होगा अखिल विश्व है अब हमें देख रहा बोलो क्या मैंने गलत कहा !              ...


Let me live in my dreams  in her loving memory streams because this is the only place  where i can enjoy a divine mental peace. while being in dreams  i don't want to get up so don't wake me up  and if you are near me even in my dreams  you are requested to keep your mouth shut. as i don't want to get up so don't wake me up. this is the place where i can talk to her   she can talk to me i can walk along with her  she can walk along with me . in such a divine peace i can compose my poems  and she can listen to me  so i don't want to get up  and please please please  don't wake me up. but remember O GOD ! please wake me up  when i can see her  with my open eyes  because O ! my dream lady whenever i see you ' in my day times ,it's not less than  my dream come true ! one thing i would like to tell you where ever you go ; whatever you do; i shall be right here waiting for you , because ,whenever i se...


Best of your hard work  And best of your luck ,                                   May god give you  a positive CGPA jerk . But never forget to do  your knowledge oriented work. Because  this will make you an engineer But that will make you a clerk . As fortune favours the brave ; So be focused on your work , And be sure that you are  Going to entertain a "GOOD LUCK"!  best of your hard work  And best of your luck. My best wishes are always with you , May god give you an extreme  potential to work !   POEM  HISTORY:-  This poem was composed before our end sem exam 2009 .After feeling that most of the student among us study only for marks  sometimes we think to make something like artificial  intelligence but we are making us a mere hard-disk .do you think that  that a hard disk can ever make an artificial intelligen...

क्या धर्म है

जब रात काली हो अमावास की और रास्ता खोने लगे तब निराशाओं को चीर कर आशाओं का एक दीपक जलाना धर्म है !                           जब  मीलों  लम्बा  हो  रास्ता                           और मंजिल भी तुमको ना दिखे                           मंजिल की चाह में  हर सांस पे                           तब एक कदम  बढ़ना धर्म है जब पत्थरों से राह के पैर तेरे छिल चुके हों और राह मुस्किल सी लगे किसी चाह की तब जिस चाह का हस्ती मिटाना नाम हो उस चाह पर ख़ुद  को मिटाना धर्म है!                         जिस वक्त जीना गैर मुमकिन सा लगे                        ...