Cosmic Whispers and the Candles of Hope

Surprised by the influence of thoughts as a form of energy across time and space. Yesterday, a senior officer at a distant location stood at the edge of ending his life, while I felt an inexplicable urge to immerse myself in Albert Camus' existentialism. Was it mere coincidence, or the ripple effect of intense thoughts resonating somewhere in the cosmos?

Camus wrote, 'Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.' In the depth of winter, we often forget the invincible summer within us. Some expend immense energy just to appear normal, yet in the end, it takes far more courage to live than to surrender to despair.

If only we could remind each other, in moments of darkness, that the invincible summer within us still exists—waiting to be rediscovered.

With a connection to the cosmos and an awareness of the darkest corners of the human mind, may the universe grant us the strength to kindle the candles of hope and confidence through our thoughts, words, and actions.


  1. Subject prarabdh to borrowed wisdom of Kabir or Raheem...Ram n Rahim are same ...if one can live with it, all publications become meaningless...Richard Dawkins is another proponent agnostic to Religion..Read his book God Dellusions ...humbly


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