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  Hi Friends! Greetings of the day!                                                " A book review in the form of a story " It’s 5:00 AM on a serene Monday morning, and the gentle rain outside in Haridwar creates a soothing melody. I’m savoring my ginger-cardamom tea, the warmth of the cup a comfort in my hands. Having been up since 4:00 AM, I find myself in a tranquil solitude while the rest of the house is still enveloped in their sweetest sleep. In my cozy study room, the serene notes of Raag Yaman Kalyan are floating through the air, blending perfectly with the rhythmic patter of the  dancing raindrops. An aromatic diffuser releases the rich, calming scent of sandalwood, filling the space with a sense of peace. The ambiance creates a perfect cocoon of serenity, allowing me to immerse myself completely in the world of my own thoughts. In this quiet, fragrant haven, with music and nature playing together, I find inspiration and solace. The early morning stillness, enhanced

अनुभव,स्वीकृति, सचेतन जागृति एवं संज्ञानात्मक बोध या अनुभूति

Experience is the criterion for acceptance  and conscious awakening is for   cognitive realisation.It captures the essence of how the interplay between practical experience and mindful awareness contribute to our understanding and acceptance of various aspects of life. अनुभव स्वीकृति की, कसौटी है और सचेतन जागृति, संज्ञानात्मक बोध या अनुभूति की । ये दोनों तत्व हमारे व्यक्तिगत विकास और समझ को गहराई से प्रभावित करते हैं। # Random whispers of mind, एक उन्मुक्त विचार Explanation - : Experience serves as a foundational basis for accepting and validating new information or beliefs. It shapes our perception and helps us discern what is true or valuable. Conversely, conscious awakening pertains to a deeper level of awareness and introspection. It involves becoming more mindful and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. This heightened awareness leads to cognitive realisation, where we gain deeper insights and understanding about ourselves and the world around us. Togethe

Addressing Imposter Syndrome and Fear of Failure.

A colleague of mine, who is quite capable, had been experiencing imposter syndrome and feared that a new development project under his leadership might fail. This led them to consider quitting their job. From my personal experience, adopting a servant-leadership mindset can be immensely helpful in such situations. Here are some key points to consider: 1. Focus on Intent Over Impact :     - Intent : Our primary accountability lies in our efforts and intentions. We should strive to do our best with all our skills and capabilities.    - Impact : While outcomes are important, they are not always within our control. Emphasising intent can alleviate some of the pressure associated with potential failure. 2. Collaborate and Seek Support :    - Peer Support : Engage with other colleagues (referred to here as "servants") for their input and assistance. Collaboration often brings diverse perspectives and solutions.    - Mentorship : Discussing challenges with senior colleag

जीवन चक्र

जीवन चक्र